Journal of Foundations and Trends in Computational Intelligent Techniques (JFTCIT)

Eligibility Details

The following are general qualifications commonly sought in potential reviewers:

The following are general qualifications commonly sought in potential reviewers:


Reviewers should possess expertise and knowledge in the specific field or subfield relevant to the journal. They should have a solid understanding of the theories, methodologies, and advancements within computational intelligence techniques.

Research Experience:

Reviewers should have an established research background in the field, typically demonstrated through a record of publications in reputable journals or conference proceedings. A doctoral degree (Ph.D.) is often expected, although experienced researchers with a strong publication track record without a Ph.D. may also be considered.


Reviewers with a reputation for their research contributions and scholarly work within computational intelligence are highly regarded. Their standing in the academic community can add credibility to the review process.

Timeliness and Responsiveness::

t is essential for reviewers to be prompt and responsive in their communication with the journal's editorial team. They should commit to completing their reviews within the given timeline to ensure a smooth and efficient publication process.

Objectivity and Integrity:

Reviewers must demonstrate impartiality, providing constructive criticism and evaluating manuscripts objectively. Maintaining confidentiality and adhering to ethical standards are essential aspects of the reviewing process.

Communication and Writing Skills:

Strong written communication skills are crucial for providing detailed and constructive feedback. Reviewers should be able to articulate their assessments clearly and concisely, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript.

Familiarity with the Journal's Scope:

Reviewers should be familiar with the journal's focus and scope, ensuring that their expertise aligns with the topics covered in the submissions they review.

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for the "Journal of Foundations and Trends in Computational Intelligent Techniques," it is advisable to reach out to the journal's editorial office directly. They will provide you with specific information on their review process and any additional requirements or qualifications they may have for potential reviewers.

Remember, the eligibility criteria may vary depending on the journal and its specific needs.